Kelvin Tan - Experienced Solr consultant
What clients think of my Solr-related work
Kelvin's contributions to our custom
needs with Solr have greatly enhanced our ability to operate efficiently
with within our search platform. He provided useful insights and
recommendations with respect to what options were available to us, stemming
from his ability to determine exactly what we were looking for. His work
was efficient and reliable, and his contributions remain in use at our
organization today.
All for Good hired Kelvin to review and make several enhancements to our current Solr based
search platform. I thoroughly vetted Kelvin's skills before deciding to work with him so I was not surprised by
his expert level knowledge of Solr (especially geospatial search) and the general technical knowledge that he
brought to the project.
What was a pleasant surprise is how incredibly thorough, committed, and full
of positive energy he is. Before wrapping up his work with us he made sure to fully document everything he had
done and made sure we all were completely up to speed on it. He has outstanding technical skills, a great
attitude, and excellent communication skills. Nice guy too. I highly recommend Kelvin.
How I can help you with Solr
My involvement with clients as a Solr consultant generally revolves around:
- Mentoring and training in Solr
- Architecting the search stack
- Tweaking relevance and weighting algorithms
- Improving performance and scalability of an existing Solr implementation
- Implementing spatial search solutions, like (but not restricted to) LocalSolr
- Custom Solr plugins, like SearchComponents and RequestHandlers, etc
- Other custom Solr search solutions
Stuff I've done recently in Solr