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HOWTO: Persistent DNS Caching on Ubuntu with pdnsd

Posted by Kelvin on 27 Apr 2010 | Tagged as: programming, Ubuntu

sudo apt-get install pdnsd If prompted, choose "Manual". sudo gedit /etc/pdnsd.conf Copy and paste this into the editor. // Read the pdnsd.conf(5) manpage for an explanation of the options. /* Note: this file is overriden by automatic config files when /etc/default/pdnsd AUTO_MODE is set and that /usr/share/pdnsd/pdnsd-$AUTO_MODE.conf exists */ global { perm_cache=8192; cache_dir="/var/cache/pdnsd"; run_as="pdnsd"; server_ip […]

Mapping neighborhoods to street addresses via geocoding

Posted by Kelvin on 19 Apr 2010 | Tagged as: programming, Lucene / Solr / Elasticsearch / Nutch, Ubuntu

As far as I know, none of the geocoders consistently provide neighborhood data given a street address. Useful information when consulting the gods at google proves elusive too. Here's a step-by-step guide to obtaining neighborhood names for your street addresses (on Ubuntu). 0. Geocode your addresses if necessary using Yahoo, MapQuest or Google geocoders. (this […]

Android's clever workaround of Sun's licensing

Posted by Kelvin on 08 Apr 2010 | Tagged as: programming, android

Just discovered this gem here: Android apps are developed in Java Android itself is licensed in APL, but Sun's source is licensed in GPL. Furthermore, Java is not open-sourced in mobile environments. How did Google do it? Turns out that Android Uses Java as a development language but does not use Java bytecode or […]

Overview of free turn-based strategy and war games

Posted by Kelvin on 01 Apr 2010 | Tagged as: programming

MySQL Large ResultSet java.lang.OutOfMemoryError Workaround

Posted by Kelvin on 04 Mar 2010 | Tagged as: programming

Ever tried to fetch all rows from a large MySQL table? You're bound to hit up against a java.lang.OutOfMemoryError. So you try searching for how to set the fetchSize, and of course, it doesn't quite work. The MySQL JDBC Driver implementation notes states: By default, ResultSets are completely retrieved and stored in memory. In most […]

Writing user documentation in style with Sphinx

Posted by Kelvin on 03 Mar 2010 | Tagged as: programming

Recently stumbled on Sphinx for generating user docs. The closest alternative is docbook, so it was pretty much a no-brainer to try out Sphinx considering it lets you write documentation in the uber-friendly wiki-like ReStructuredText format. It lets you export to HTML as well as HTMLHelp and Latex/PDF. There's also a direct rst2Pdf converter too […]

Adventures in Java Doclets

Posted by Kelvin on 03 Mar 2010 | Tagged as: programming

I dug into the innards of javadocs and the Standard HTML Doclet recently to do 2 things: 1. decorate the standard doclet output with my custom annotations 2. generate ReStructuredText version of the custom annotations for a user manual Its pretty cool that javadoc lets you customize output and all, but I've arrived at a […]

Ubuntu 9.04 + Engenius EUB-362 EXT [SOLVED]

Posted by Kelvin on 10 Feb 2010 | Tagged as: Ubuntu, programming

Recently bought an Engenius Wireless LAN USB adapter EUB-362 EXT. There are a number of postings on Ubuntu Forums about trying to get this working on Ubuntu, with no avail. Keenan Systems from whom I bought the adapter has an out-dated howto for getting it working on Ubuntu. Here are the definitive steps to getting […]

Friendlier Thunderbird date columns

Posted by Kelvin on 24 Jan 2010 | Tagged as: programming

In Thunderbird, there's a way to customize the display of the date header in your inbox. Short answer: Go and follow instructions Long answer: 1. Edit > Preferences > Advanced > Config Editor 2. Type 'dateformat' in the search box and hit enter. 3. If the following 3 entries do not appear, you'll have […] – WTF?

Posted by Kelvin on 22 Jan 2010 | Tagged as: programming

dom4j is one of the better XML parsing Java libraries out there. Its released under the uber-liberal BSD license, and is the brainchild of James Strachan, also of Jelly and Groovy fame. Yesterday I was working on some dom4j stuff, and noticed that (I'm not going to link to it) is no longer a […]

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