Reflections on modifying the Nutch crawler
Posted by Kelvin on 16 Aug 2005 | Tagged as: work, programming, Lucene / Solr / Elasticsearch / Nutch
The code for my modifications to the Nutch-based fetcher is at alpha quality, meaning that it compiles, and I've tested it on smallish (<100 pages) sites. There are some unit tests written, but not as extensive as I'd like.
Some thoughts:
Nutch crawler (NC) uses an offline fetchlist building strategy, whilst our crawler (OC) supports both online as well as offline fetchlist building. Fetchlist building is basically the process of determining which URL to crawl next. In Nutch, the fetchlist building basically goes like this:
1. Inject seed urls into database of urls
2. Generate fetchlist
3. Fetch urls in fetchlist
4. Parse fetched pages for links, adding them into database of urls selectively (depending on url filter rules)
5. Rank fetched pages (based on PageRank)
6. Generate fetchlist using top x pages
7. Repeat steps 3 – 6Since step 5 is both time-consuming and computationally-intensive, NC fetchlist building has to be an offline step. (NB: Breadth-first crawling can possibly be just as effective as PageRank-based crawling).
In crawls where the number of fetched pages is limited and the order in which the pages are fetched doesn't matter, then an offline fetchlist building strategy offers little or no advantage over an online one.
Crawlers should be polite and not hammer a web server repeatedly with requests, so the crawler has to implement some kind of server politeness policy. The accepted norm is to wait a period of time between consecutive requests to the same server. To maximize crawl speed (and be polite), the crawler should try to download from as many different hosts at the same time as possible.
Both of Nutch's current Http plugins (protocol-http and protocol-httpclient) are implemented in such a way that optimum crawl times can only be achieved when
- the order in which the URLs are downloaded is sufficiently random
- the set of hosts is sufficiently large
- the set of hosts is well distributed
In NC, this currently comprises of:
1. Generating an MD5 hash of each URL, then sorting fetchlist entries by this hash. Since a single character change in the url will result in a wildly different hash, this approach does a good job of satisfying the requirement that URLs be randomized. The other 2 requirements (large and well-distributed set of hosts) are satisfied by the very definition of the WWW.
2. Enforcing a fixed delay between consecutive requests to the same webserver (this is the fetcher.server.delay config variable).In the case of constrained crawling, when either the requirement of size or distribution of hosts is not satisifed, its not difficult to see how crawl time is severely hampered, i.e. if there are too few hosts, or if the distribution of URLs is skewed towards a couple of large hosts, the crawl time will always be grossly sub-optimal.
OC's default fetchlist prioritizes hosts based on the number of unfetched pages they contain. This satisfies the pre-requisite for optimal crawl speed, and minimizes the chance of having "backed-up" urls from the large hosts which take a long time to fetch where the number of fetching threads gets reduced to the number of outstanding hosts there are. OC also waits a period of time between consecutive requests, and its also possible to vary this time depending on the time taken to download a URL (slow servers can mean overloaded server, or they can mean a slow network).
Note that OC's fetchlist is an interface which means that Nutch's offline fetchlist building can be replicated by:
1. Seed crawl from file (same as nutch)
2. When crawl finishes, run Nutch fetchlist building steps
3. Implement a simple fetchlist which reads entries from a Nutch fetchlist (.fl)
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3.Actually, the current codebase already contains the necessary classes to do this.
- Java needs a library of external memory algorithms and data structures (I'm working on this now). Examples from Nutch are SequenceFile, MapFile and ArrayFile, as well as the external mergesort algorithm. Other examples are B+-tree, insertion sort for nearly sorted files, buffer tree, heap file, etc. The list goes on.
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DNS Resolution in Java
Posted by Kelvin on 06 Aug 2005 | Tagged as: programming
As alluded to by several other papers on crawling, DNS resolution in Java is not very performant and usually a bottleneck. and seem to be a viable alternative.
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Basis – Infrastructure for Java projects
Posted by Kelvin on 04 Aug 2005 | Tagged as: programming, work
Basis is an open-source project providing commonly-required components such as user management, login/authentication, role-based access management/authorization and Hibernate support classes.
The data models are derived from The Data Model Resource Book by Len Silverton and adapted for Hibernate.
Unlike other open-source projects, Basis was never meant to be used as-is, but rather as a starting point for your individual project needs.
Current version : 0.1-alpha
Notes: 01-alpha is complete, but not release-quality. Still, do take it for a trial run.
Download the latest version
View javadoc documentation
Basis is released under the BSD license (includes software from the Apache foundation).
Big thanks to Gesakon GmBH for sponsoring development of Basis, and generously allowing it to be open-sourced.
There is quite some code providing a web-based UI using WebWork/Velocity which is not ready for release yet.
Test cases exist, but they're pretty out-dated!
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Improving Nutch for constrained crawls
Posted by Kelvin on 18 Jul 2005 | Tagged as: work, programming, Lucene / Solr / Elasticsearch / Nutch
A heads-up to anyone who is using Nutch for anything but whole-web crawling..
I'm about 70% through patching Nutch to be more usable for constrained crawling. It is basically a partial re-write of the whole fetching mechanism, borrowing large chunks of code here and there.
Features include:
– Customizable seed inputs, i.e. seed a crawl from a file, database, Nutch FetchList, etc
– Customizable crawl scopes, e.g. crawl the seed URLs and only the urls within their domains. (this can already be manually accomplished with RegexURLFilter, but what if there are 200,000 seed URLs?), or crawl seed url domains + 1 external link (not possible with current filter mechanism)
– Online fetchlist building (as opposed to Nutch's offline method), and customizable strategies for building a fetchlist. The default implementation gives priority to hosts with a larger number of pages to crawl. Note that offline fetchlist building is ok too.
– Customizable fetch output mechanisms, like output to file, to segment, or even not at all (if we're just implementing a link-checker, for example)
– Fully utilizes HTTP 1.1 features (see below)
My aim is to be fully compatible with Nutch as it is, i.e. given a Nutch fetchlist, the new crawler can produce a Nutch segment. However, if you don't need that at all, and are just interested in Nutch as a crawler, then that's ok too!
Nutch and HTTP 1.1
Nutch as it is, does not utilize HTTP 1.1's connection persistence and request pipelining features which would significantly cut down crawling time when crawling a small number of hosts extensively.
To test this hypothesis out, I modified Http and HttpResponse to use HTTP 1.1 features, and fetch 20 URLs from the same host repeatedly (15 requests were pipelined per socket connection, which required a total of 2 separate connections to the server). I repeated this test with Nutch's Http (protocol-http). After a couple of runs, I was convinced that at least in my test-case, the performance improvement of the optimized Http class was between 3-4x faster than Nutch's Http version.
I believe the reasons for this speed-up are:
1. Reduced connection overhead (2 socket connections vs 20)
2. Reduced wait-time between requests (once vs 19 times). This is the fetcher.server.delay value in NutchConf.
3. Request pipelining, (not waiting for a request to produce a response before sending the next request)
Note that this is a contrived example of course, but not one that is improbable when running crawls of large domains, and large number of fetcher threads.
I've still a pretty long way to go in terms of testing, but I think a good portion of the difficult bits have already been ironed out. When I'm satisfied that its stable, I'll release a version for download and feedback.
16082005 Update
You might be interested in Reflections on modifying the Nutch crawler
Useful links on HTTP Pipelining
Posted by Kelvin on 12 Jul 2005 | Tagged as: programming, Lucene / Solr / Elasticsearch / Nutch
Am implementing HTTP Pipelining for Nutch. Some useful links:
Some thoughts working on HTTP pipelining:
Its a pity Commons HttpClient doesn't have HTTP request pipelining implemented. I tried my hand at it, but gave up after 2 hours. In some ways, Commons HttpClient seems abit of an overkill, with all its glorious complexity compared to Nutch's Http and HttpResponse classes. OTOH, there's proper cookie and authentication support, amongst a host of other features.'s HttpClient provides request pipelining, and most of Commons HttpClient's features, but it isn't actively developed anymore, and I'm abit hesitant about using it. Nonetheless, I have to say its code is very well documented!
I spent about 3 hours knocking my head against the wall on a bug, before I realized that mixing HTTP 1.0 and 1.1 servers is quite unhealthy when attempting request pipelining. I also had to remember that HTTP 1.0 doesn't support Keep-Alive (aka connection persistence) by default. Furthermore, sending the header Connection: Keep-Alive
would cause HTTP 1.0 proxies to fail unpredictably. I decided to steer well clear of the mess and simply _not_ pipeline or reuse HTTP 1.0 sockets.
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Using Nutch for constrained crawling
Posted by Kelvin on 08 Jul 2005 | Tagged as: programming, Lucene / Solr / Elasticsearch / Nutch
My experience with Nutch so far is that its not ideal for crawling, say, 50,000 specific sites, as opposed to whole-web crawling.
Here's why I think so:
- No built-in interfaces for multiple seed URLs. The only ways to input seed URLs are via a text file, and a downloaded DMOZ dump. Extra steps have to be taken to, say, dump a database table to text, rather than a direct link between Nutch and the database. Of course, this is a very minor issue.
- Not possible (without major hacking) to implement crawl scopes, such as, crawl this entire domain, or crawl this entire domain plus one link outside of the domain.
- Needs patching to change the definition of a "host". This is important because some sites with different subdomains are really served from the same server. For example, and are considered different hosts in Nutch, but they can very well be served from the same server, hence, by making Nutch using the top-level domain, crawling will be more polite to this server.
- No easy way to change fetchlist building strategy, which is currently optimized for whole-web crawling. This makes the assumption that there is a large distribution of distinct hosts, and hence a randomized spread of URLs is sufficient for being polite to servers (in not hammering them). This, however, is not the case with site-specific crawls (especially in crawls where pages outside of seed domains are not crawled). As far as I can tell, fetching also does not take advantage of HTTP 1.1's ability to download multiple pages per connection.
- Needs patching to support custom fetch output (or none at all). For example, an application which wants simply to check if pages are 404ed, will implement a no-op fetch output.
- Needs patching to support post-fetch (non-output) operations. For example, if a fetched page contains a certain keyword, add an entry to database table.
- URL pattern/Domain-specific operations, such as, if URL contains "?", don't parse the page for outlinks.
Well, here's a start at least. I'm not whining, I'm just listing down some ideas for possible improvements.
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Liberating your Amazon Wishlist
Posted by Kelvin on 01 Jul 2005 | Tagged as: programming
Amazon's wishlist feature is a great feature for managing a list of books I wanna get, and how much I should pay for them if I head to a bookstore. This, coupled with Amazon's Web Services API, makes for interesting possibilites.
How to find your Amazon wishlist id:
- View your wishlist in your browser, then click on the "Your Wish Lists" link right at the top of the page.
- A page will be displayed with your existing lists, plus a form titled "Create a new Wish List".
- Right-click on the wishlist link and copy it to clipboard.
- Paste into a text editor like Notepad, and the part of the link after "id=…." is the wishlist id. It should look something like 1YY1OKRQG2EU5.
Credits go to Kevin Donahue at for giving me the idea..
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DHTML toolkits
Posted by Kelvin on 18 Jan 2005 | Tagged as: programming, life
Link log of DHTML toolkits. Most promising seems to be nwidgets/netwindows. Articles about it can be found here and here. is interesting read about building advanced web interfaces, has annotated list of dhtml libs, has some interesting libs,.
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Remote scripting magic
Posted by Kelvin on 06 Jan 2005 | Tagged as: programming
18012005 update: XmlHttpRequest seems to be a "better" way of doing things than remote scripting. and enumerate the differences, as well as provide a comprehensive list of links. also advocates XmlHttpRequest over RPC-style calls. has more about this. contains some insights on using XMLHttpRequest with Javascript closures.
Linklog of remote scripting resources:
Remote Scripting with Javascript, IFrames and PHP
Remote scripting with javascript and
Cool LiveSearch feature
Serverside autocompletion
Separating browser from resource
Javascript AtomAPI Client using XmlHttpRequest
jpspan, hooking up PHP and javascript
Qwad framework
Somewhat dated article on DW about client-server javascript comms
JavaScript O Lait, providing javascript XML/RPC impl
Crouching javascript and
Apple Developer Connection about remote scripting
ECMAScript library acting as a cross-browser wrapper for native XML APIs
Side-note: PHP developers are right out on the cutting edge of Javascript and DOM manipulation, getting standard browsers to do amazing stuff. Where are the Java folks?
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Designing Usable APIs
Posted by Kelvin on 05 Jan 2005 | Tagged as: programming
Carlos Perez writes at and about designing usable APIs.
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