Ubuntu 9.04 + Engenius EUB-362 EXT [SOLVED]
Posted by Kelvin on 10 Feb 2010 at 06:13 pm | Tagged as: Ubuntu, programming
Recently bought an Engenius Wireless LAN USB adapter EUB-362 EXT.
There are a number of postings on Ubuntu Forums about trying to get this working on Ubuntu, with no avail. Keenan Systems from whom I bought the adapter has an out-dated howto for getting it working on Ubuntu.
Here are the definitive steps to getting it working on Ubuntu 9.04. May work with other Ubuntu versions too.
sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper-common ndiswrapper-utils-1.9
cd /tmp
wget http://www.engeniustech.com/resources/EUB862_362_XPV2.1.zip
unzip EUB862_362_XPV2.1.zip
wine EUB862_362_XPV2.1.exe
Run the driver installation using wine. Then..
cd ~/.wine/drive_c/windows/system32
sudo ndiswrapper -i net5523.inf
Connect EUB-362 to your computer.
ndiswrapper -l
should produce
net5523 : driver installed
device (0CF3:0002) present
That's it. Enjoy your new wlan adapter!