A compilation of code I've written.

Code in Apache repositories is licensed under the Apache License. Everything else is licensed under the BSD License unless otherwise stated. I understand the BSD license to be less restrictive than the Apache License in that it doesn't require the attribution notice "This product includes software developed by…".

Jakarta Commons Configuration

  • XMLConfiguration (view|download)
    Summary: Access an XML configuration file in the same way as Java properties.

Jakarta Lucene

  • ChainedFilter (view|download)
    Summary: Allows multiple Filters to be chained.
  • Javascript Query Validator (view|download)
    Summary: Javascript validation for Lucene queries
  • Javascript Query Constructor (view|download) documentation
    Summary: Syntactic sugar for query construction in Javascript.

Amazon Wishlist liberation
Uses Jakarta Velocity to transform Amazon wishlist into any format you wish.

XML Résumé Library

  • DVSL templates for rendering of an XML Resume in HTML, txt and PDF. (download)

    1. Download/cvs checkout DVSL
    2. In one of the folders (I used the examples folder as a reference), extract resume-xml.zip.
    3. Customize xdocs/resume.xml. The zip file contains mine as a reference.
    4. Run 'ant' with one of the available targets: doall, pdf, html, txt

WinCVS Python Macros
Instructions: download the .py macros into your CVS_HOME/macros folder and restart WinCVS

* Open the file in a texteditor and search for "CHANGE ME" and edit accordingly

WordPress plug-ins