• widget-form.dtd is found at ofBizHome/components/content/dtd/widget-form.dtd. This file is very helpful when learning to code forms using the form widget.
  • To substitute values into XXXForms.xml fields, in the appropriate .bsh file, use something like formWrapper.putInContext("name", "value") instead of adding the value into the context. Even better, check out the wiki page for form widgets.
  • Individual <field> declarations override defaults for the <auto-fields-entity>. For example, this is how to make a hidden field with a value:
    <field name="fieldName"><hidden value="defaultValue"/></field>
  • There is a (implicit?) case-sensitive naming convention for form actions. This is IMPORTANT!
    1. Actions displaying forms to create an entity: AddXXX
    2. Actions executing the entity creation: createXXX
    3. Actions displaying forms to update an entity: EditXXX
    4. Actions executing the entity update: updateXXX
    5. Actions executing entity deletion: removeXXX

    The rule of thumb is all actions which display a view should be start with an upper-case character, and all database-related actions should start with a lower-case character.