These are some changes I had to make in order to compile daisy from source. It's really not as simple as running maven from the root directory..

  1. Run maven from /lib to install jars to maven's local repo.
  2. Downloaded to MAVEN_HOME/plugins
  3. Downloaded to MAVEN_HOME/plugins
  4. Installed the Maven Torque plugin using maven plugin:download -DartifactId=maven-torque-plugin -DgroupId=torque -Dversion=3.1.1
  5. Renamed services/htmlcleaner/project.xml to project.xmld to remove it from build because javac compilation was failing.
  6. Emptied my USER_HOME/.maven/cache several times – a good strategy whenever things start going wrong with Maven plugins.

You should also ensure that maven.repo.remote is not somehow overriden in a in your USER_HOME. A good indication this is happening is if merlin-unit-xxx.jar breaks the build, because this is found at which is declared in /