Lucene multi-point spatial search
Posted by Kelvin on 14 Apr 2012 at 05:01 pm | Tagged as: programming, Lucene / Solr / Elasticsearch / Nutch
This post describes a method of augmenting the lucene-spatial contrib package to support multi-point searches. It is quite similar to the method described with some minor modifications.
The problem is as follows:
A company (mapped as a Lucene doc) has an address associated with it. It also has a list of store locations, which each have an address. Given a lat/long point, return a list of companies which have either a store location or an address within x miles from that point. There should be the ability to search on just company addresses, store locations, or both. EDIT: There is also the need to sort by distance and return distance from the point, not just filter by distance.
This problem requires that you index a "primary" lat/long pair, and multiple "secondary" lat/long pairs, and be able to search only primary lat/long, only secondary lat/long or both.
This excludes the possibility of using SOLR-2155 or LUCENE-3795 as-is. I'm sure it would have been possible to patch either to do so
Also, SOLR-2155 depended on Solr, and I needed a pure Lucene 3.5 solution. And MultiValueSource, which SOLR-2155 uses, does not appear to be supported in Lucene 3.5.
The SOLR-2155 implementation is also pretty inefficient: it creates a List object
for every single doc in the index in order to support multi-point search.
The general outline of the method is:
1. Search store locations index and collect company IDs and distances
2. Augment DistanceFilter with store location distances
3. Add a BooleanQuery with company IDs. This is to include companies in the final result-set whose address does not match, but have one or more store locations which do
4. Search company index
5. Return results
The algorithm in detail:
1. Index the company address with the company document, i.e the document containing company fields such as name etc
2. In a separate index (or in the same index but in a different document "type"), index the store locations, adding the company ID as a field.
3. Given a lat/long point to search, first search the store locations index. Collect a unique list of company doc-ids:distance in a LinkedHashMap, checking for duplicates. Note that this is the lucene doc-id of the store location's corresponding company, NOT the company ID field value. This will be used to augment the distancefilter in the next stage.
Hint: you'll need to use TermDocs to get this, like so:
for(int i=0;i<;++i) { int locationDocId =[i].doc; int companyId = companyIds[locationDocId]; double distance = locationHits.distanceFilter.getDistance(locationDocId); if(companyDistances.containsKey(companyId)) continue; Term t = new Term("id", Integer.toString(companyId)); TermDocs td = companyReader.termDocs(t); if ( { int companyDocId = td.doc(); companyDistances.put(companyDocId, distance); } td.close(); }
Since the search returns results sorted by distance (using lucene-spatial's DistanceFilter), you're assured to have a list of company doc ids in ascending order of distance.
In this same pass, also collect a list of company IDs. This will be used to build the BooleanQuery used in the company search.
4. Set company DistanceFilter's distances. Note: in Lucene 3.5, I added a one-line patch to DistanceFilter so that setDistances() calls putAll() instead of replacing the map.
final DistanceQueryBuilder dq = new DistanceQueryBuilder(centerLat, centerLng, milesF, "lat", "lng", CartesianTierPlotter.DEFALT_FIELD_PREFIX, true, 0, 20); dq.getDistanceFilter().setDistances(companyDistances);
5. Build BooleanQuery including company IDs
BooleanQuery bq = new BooleanQuery(); for(Integer id: companyIds) bq.add(new TermQuery(new Term("id", Integer.toString(id))), BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD); bq.add(distanceQuery, BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD);
6. Search and return results